

Baby Animals in the Northwoods

Chain of lakes | Scenic Attractions | Wildlife

Baby Animals in the Northwoods

Laura Shields

Spring has come and has started to show the new life in the Northwoods! If you are out on any of the trails or down the long and winding back roads, you may come across many of these new little ones. Some of our guest’s favorite animal families to look for include the deer fawns following their mothers, baby ducklings lined up behind their mother down the glossy lake, bear cubs playing not far from their mama bear, and the baby loons riding on their mother’s in the cool water.


We have been hearing the loons now on Duck Lake here at the lodge and many of our guests have enjoyed sitting down by the dock listening to their calls. We say it is the signature sound that summer has arrived at the lake! Some of our guests have even seen a mama loon with her baby riding on her back at Shannon Lake, a 20 min drive from the lodge.
baby eagles

Along with the baby loons making their appearances with their mothers, a baby animal you may be seeing flying around but haven’t recognized yet! You will, however, recognize their parents flying around checking in on their young ones and still bringing back food for their not so little babies. They are our iconic Bald Eagles. The baby eagles you see now may not seem very “baby” now in size and color as they are very close to their parent’s size. Most have probably lost their fuzzy feathers and are now very dark in color including their feathers, eyes, and beaks. It will still be a few years until this babies are recognized as our nation’s bird, when their eyes turn yellow and their head and tail feathers turn white. But keep your eyes open to the sky and the towering trees as your out on our lakes! You may come across an eagle’s nest not far from our lodge on the chain of lakes!fledglingwings.babyeagle

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